InicioParticipación en forosSeminar "Advanced Applications of the AICP Model in Centres and Services and Evaluation of Results".

Seminar "Advanced Applications of the AICP Model in Centres and Services and Evaluation of Results".

De 30/05/2019 hasta 01/06/2019
 Tipo: Seminario
 Línea de conocimiento: Planning and models of care
 Localización: Donostia-San Sebastián

Internationally, it is considered essential that, in interventions aimed at people at risk or in a situation of dependency or disability, integrated care is applied and that the person-centred care approach is practised in the intervention. This implies a paradigm shift that affects agents and professionals working in these areas: health, disability and ageing.

The aim of the seminar is to get to know and analyse some examples of application with longer development and maturation of Integrated and Person-Centred Care (ICPC), with the aim of transferring the most essential elements of this model to the professional practice itself, including the methodologies and tools that accompany the implementation, change management and evaluation for its application in centres and services.

During the seminar, the participants will visit devices, centres and services that are developing the application of the AICP model (home care, housing and standardised services for people with disabilities, residential centres for the elderly, advanced telecare, etc.) with the aim of visualising, contrasting, observing and analysing the different ways of applying the model.


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