Pathways for Advancing Person-Centered Care
The Routes of Advancement in Person-Centered Care project is a joint initiative of Matia Fundazioa and ACP Gerontología that arises from the journey made by Matia Fundazioa in the progress towards a person-centered care (ACP).
Its main purpose is to facilitate the integration of existing knowledge, the successful experiences that have taken place in the itinerary of Matia Fundazioa, as well as the different learning acquired on a daily basis. All this through the action and reflection of professional teams, people in charge of the different services, users and their families. The reflections and learnings of all of them have been an essential element in the systematization carried out.
It also intends to serve as an impulse to this approach to care, now more necessary than ever, after the experiences lived during the Covid-19 pandemic.
What is an ACP route of advance and what is its purpose?
The pathways are a set of considerations, actions and elements, endorsed by existing knowledge and validated by applied experience, on key contents of this approach to make it effective in centers and services.
The ACP routes are intended to facilitate progress itineraries in a flexible manner. Their purpose is to guide the centers, services and teams on the path towards person-centered care, respecting their own strategy and supporting the various trajectories to have the necessary globality and clear orientation that should characterize progress in this approach to care.
b) Important issues and key elements for good professional practice.
What routes have been developed?
In the first phase of this project, through a participatory process with various professionals and managers of different teams and centers, 5 routes have been identified and developed:
Organizational culture and the elements that facilitate progress in ACP (Under development).
Good treatment (Under development)
Involvement of people in their care (In development)
People with dementia: communication and well-being (Completed)
Preferences involving risks (In development)