InicioParticipación en forosPresentation of the "Guide to Transparency and Good Governance Recommendations for Foundations" and the "Model Annual Governance Report".

Presentation of the "Guide to Transparency and Good Governance Recommendations for Foundations" and the "Model Annual Governance Report".

 Tipo: Otros
 Localización: Auditorio Cuatrecasas (c/ Almagro, 9, 28010, Madrid)

The presentation of this Guide of recommendations for transparency and good governance of foundations and the Model Annual Governance Report for Foundations, prepared by the Haz Foundation Laboratory, aims to offer directors and board members of foundations a tool and a set of recommendations, endorsed by national and international practice, so that they can reflect on them, contrast them with their current way of operating, discern which of them can contribute to improving their system of governance and be accountable to society for their good governance practices.

The presentation will be completed with a brief round table in which some members of the Haz Foundation Laboratory will share with the audience their experiences and reflections on the main issues related to good governance: renewal of the board of trustees, management of conflicts of interest, relationship between executive management and the board of trustees, etc.


9:30-9:45 Reception and welcoming remarks.

  • Fernando Bernad, partner and director of Cuatrecasas.
  • María López-Escorial, President of Fundación Haz.

9:45-11:00 Presentation of the Guide and Annual Governance Report.

  • Javier Martín Cavanna, founder and director of Fundación Haz.

11:00-11:30 Coffee break

11:30-12:30 Discussion on the main challenges of good governance.

Moderator: Javier Martín Cavanna

  • Gerardo Amunarriz, Director of Matia Fundazioa.
  • Javier Fernández, Director of the Caja Navarra Foundation.
  • Francisco Mesonero, Director of the Adecco Foundation.
  • Blanca María Narváez, Director of Fundación Mutualidad de la Abogacía.
  • Beatriz Sánchez Guitián, Director of Fundación Máshumano.

12:35-12:45 Closing