InicioParticipación en forosVII European Good Practice Day on Friendliness

VII European Good Practice Day on Friendliness

 Tipo: Jornada
 Línea de conocimiento: Active aging and friendliness
 Localización: Auditorio Museo Guggenheim. Bilbao

A new event organised by Euskadi Lagunkoia, the network of friendly municipalities in the Basque Country promoted by the Department of Equality, Justice and Social Policies of the Basque Government, which aims to encourage the participation of the elderly and citizens in general to improve neighbourhoods and environments in the municipalities of the Basque Country so that we can continue to live our lives as we get older.

This year's conference is focused on the Basque Country's Lagunkoia 2023 Challenge "Social participation and active citizenship", which is why we will be presenting various innovative experiences on promoting the participation of the elderly.

08:30-09:00 Reception

09:00-09:30 Institutional opening Nerea Melgosa. Councillor of the Department of Equality, Justice and Social Policies. Juan Mari Aburto. Mayor of Bilbao

09:30-10:30 Inaugural Conference Significant ageing and participation Anja Machielse. Professor. Dr. Humanism and social resilience Reflection and debate

10:30-11:30 Table 1: Good practices Artistic nursery (Modestraat - Sweet 70) Netherlands Yayas Kusama: Urban art Madrid Reflection and debate

11:30-12:00 Break

12.00-13:00 Table 2: Good practices Can 70: Senior cooperative housing Barcelona Abadiño Lagunkoia: Zapatila Proiektua Reflection and debate

13:00-13:30 Closing Lide Amilibia. Vice-Minister of Social Policies