InicioParticipación en forosLanguages Lanean Congress

Languages Lanean Congress

De 18/01/2024 hasta 19/01/2024
 Tipo: Congreso
 Localización: Palacio Euskalduna. Bilbao

The Languages Lanean Congress is here to share and debate experiences and knowledge on the challenges of language management in the context of economic activity.

During the event, we will see how to give each language its own space, how to establish an appropriate coexistence between languages, how to measure the economic value or the incalculable added value of languages.

Our colleague Saioa Alvarez Aristi, social worker at the Egurtzegi day centre and coordinator of the SAD in Villabona, will be taking part in a round table discussion entitled: "Quality of service. Language of service. Competitiveness. Linguistic rights".

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