

Demographic change: Are we prepared to live 100 years?

 Tipo: Jornada
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Barcelona

The persistently low fertility rate and the increase in life expectancy in Spain and in most Western countries has accelerated the ageing process (relative and absolute) of the population to levels never before seen in the history of mankind. In societies such as ours, this transformation is aggravated by the arrival of the baby boom generations into old age. All of this could undermine the sustainability of the welfare state, the institutional machinery that distributes resources between generations in solidarity through contributions, taxes and transfers.


Conference: Loneliness, ageing and gender

 Tipo: Jornada
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Barcelona

The conference "Loneliness, ageing and gender" is organised by the gerontology research group of the University of Barcelona and aims to reflect on the diversity of situations of unwanted loneliness in older people and the impact of public policies in addressing them.

It will be held on Friday 19 November from 9 a.m. at the Palau Macaya in Barcelona (Pg. de Sant Joan, 108).

Scientific programme

9:30h Welcome by Feliciano Villar. Professor of Psychology. University of Barcelona.  


III Conference on Good Practices in the attention to social inclusion III Conference on Good Practices in the attention to social inclusion

 Tipo: Jornada

This III Good Practices Conference will be held on 29 October, in the morning, at the Kursaal. Organised by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, the conference will be held in person, with limited seating capacity, and will also be broadcast via streaming. In line with previous years, they will focus on innovation in social policies and care models. 


Lessons from COVID-19 and public health systems

 Tipo: Jornada
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Bilbao

Ezkerraberri Fundazioa, together with Fundación Coppieters and EhuGune, has organised the conference Lessons from Covid-19 and public health systems. The aim of the conference is to reflect on the challenges and priorities of


World Elder Abuse and Neglect Awareness Day

 Tipo: Jornada
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Madrid

Event on the occasion of the celebration of the "World Day of Awareness Against Elder Abuse" organised jointly by the Mesa Estatal por los Derechos de las Personas Mayores and Help Age with the aim of making visible and defending the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Older Persons.

Imagen anunciadora del acto



Well-treating and ageing. Practical implications

 Tipo: Curso
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Donostia-San Sebastián

Despite the great heterogeneity that characterises ageing people, the available data show that the social image of ageing is generally associated with deterioration and dependence. As a result, the protection of the rights of older people is gradually becoming a core issue in most planning aimed at improving the daily lives of citizens.


Otros profesionales

Conference: Disability and Ageing: Challenges of an Inclusive Citizenship

 Tipo: Jornada
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Madrid

Meeting organised by AMIFP and aimed mainly at people with disabilities, family members, professionals, volunteers, students and anyone who wants to learn and know a little more about the reality of people with disabilities.


Regional Policy Dialogue: Pillars of Support for Dependency. How to build a care system

 Tipo: Otros
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Washington, D.C.

Latin America and the Caribbean is the fastest ageing region in the world. This creates opportunities to improve the quality of life of older adults, create new jobs for caregivers, promote gender equity and reduce healthcare costs, among others. At the same time, it brings with it important challenges, including the need for financial protection (pensions), and access to quality health services and support for people with functional dependency.


2019 'AGING IN MADRID' Conference

 Tipo: Jornada
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Madrid

The Directorate General for the Elderly, of the Government Area of Families, Equality and Social Welfare, is organising the 16th Annual Technical Conference for professionals. In this edition, the chosen slogan 'Aging in Madrid' refers to the benefits for citizens of the Madrid, Friendly City for the Elderly Plan.



Rethinking the social role of ageing in the framework of COVID-19

 Tipo: Webinar
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Online

According to the data published so far, the pandemic caused by COVID-19 has severely affected older people, especially those living in residential centres. The vulnerability and poor prognosis of the disease in this population group has led to the implementation of more restrictive preventive measures of confinement, isolation and social distancing than in any other group, accompanied by ageist attitudes that are determinant in essential issues such as treatment or access to services by older people.

