

Conference: Practical applications for promoting good treatment in the framework of person-centred care

 Tipo: Otros
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Palma de Mallorca

Next Thursday, 28th March, Mayte Sancho, Director of Planning at Matia Fundazioa, will give a talk on good treatment of the elderly at the Caixaforum Space in La Palma. At the end of the conference, copies of the "Protocol for action in situations of domestic abuse and self-neglect" will be handed out to those attending.

Imagen Conferencia Mayte Sancho en Palma


“Todos contra el abuso y maltrato a las personas mayores”. Towards dignity and excellence in the treatment of older people

 Tipo: Jornada
 Localización: Valladolid

Organised by the Confederación Estatal de Mayores Activos (CONFEMAC), this conference is aimed at health professionals; social services professionals; nursing home professionals; day centres with day-care units; social care day centres; social services inspection services; forensic doctors; boards of directors of associations for the elderly; teachers of health training courses; private elderly people and any other people related to gerontology.

Free registration. Limited places.


Tools and interventions aimed at maintaining functional ability in older people: assessment and intervention in frailty

 Tipo: Jornada
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Bilbao

Frailty is a very prevalent syndrome in the elderly in which the probability of an adverse event occurring is increased: falls, hospitalisation, institutionalisation and even death. Since 2015, a consortium formed by Health and Gerontological Research institutions, Technology Centres and the UPV/EHU has been working to develop tools aimed at its diagnosis and approach. In this conference we will present the main results achieved by the consortium and we will have the opportunity to learn about initiatives carried out by other entities in our environment.


Talking about loneliness (Talking about loneliness)

 Tipo: Seminario
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Eindhoven

The Dutch Society of Gerontology offers this seminar dedicated to the phenomenon of loneliness with two very interesting lectures:

  • Developing tools for talking about loneliness. Eric Schoenmakers.
  • Can loneliness be a positive experience? Sara Marsillas. Researcher at Matia Institute.


Rethinking the social role of ageing in the framework of COVID-19

 Tipo: Webinar
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Online

According to the data published so far, the pandemic caused by COVID-19 has severely affected older people, especially those living in residential centres. The vulnerability and poor prognosis of the disease in this population group has led to the implementation of more restrictive preventive measures of confinement, isolation and social distancing than in any other group, accompanied by ageist attitudes that are determinant in essential issues such as treatment or access to services by older people.


The Social Centres for the Elderly: Is change necessary?

 Tipo: Curso
 Línea de conocimiento: 

This Summer Course will be held face to face and there will also be the possibility to participate live online through ZOOM. Select in the enrolment process how you are going to participate: in person or live online.


2nd Virtual Congress of the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology (SEGG). New challenges for ageing.

 Tipo: Congreso
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Online

This is the second virtual congress organised by the SEGG and we are doing so with the experience gained at the first virtual congress, which served as a learning experience, and with the commitment to increase the number of participants and the scientific level of the first meeting.

Although we are looking forward to holding congresses again that allow the physical presence of the congress participants, which always stimulates human contact and makes professional contact easier, the situation of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in our country obliges us to continue working virtually.

