Innovation in Best Practices related to Integrated and Person-Centred Care Models (IPCCM)
Seminar that aims to become a meeting place for Administrations and Entities that form part of the Network of Good Practices of the Pillars for Personal Autonomy Foundation, in order to establish possible synergies, collaborations, alliances and opportunities for consolidating progress in the implementation of the model of comprehensive, person-centred care. At an encouraging time in terms of the real possibilities of advancing in the implementation of the model with the support of the Public Administrations, the opportunity to share different successful experiences among professionals and entities, such as those presented in this Seminar, is of interest and may be a way of contributing to the generation of ideas to continue on the road to change.
Provisional programme
9:00-9:30 Greetings and welcome
- Directorate General of IMSERSO
- Directorate General of the ONCE Foundation
- President of the Fundación Pilares para la Autonomía Personal (Pillars for Personal Autonomy Foundation)
09:30 – 11.00 Progress in the implementation of the AICP model from the point of view of the collaborating entities of the BBPP Network of Fundación Pilares. Moderator: Ana Artacho. Project Director of the CASER Foundation.
- Scientific evidence and evaluation as quality criteria. Salomé Martín García (SEGG).
- Organisational development and leadership in the process of model change. Raquel Lázaro. Director of Culture and Leadership Development. Matia Foundation
- How to advance in home and community care. Laura Solera Rodríguez. Coordinator of SAD (ASISPA).
- The role of technology in the change of model. David Villaverde (ILUNION. ONCE Foundation).
11:00 – 13:00 Excellence and innovation in good practices during 2020.
Winning entities of the IV Awards of the Fundación Pilares para la Autonomía Personal. 2020 Edition
Panel I (11:00 - 12:00 h). Moderator: Pilar Rodríguez. President of the Fundación Pilares
- Innovation in home care: Social Superblocks and beyond. Lluis Torrens Mèlich. Director d' Innovació Social (Barcelona City Council)
- Programme aimed at people over 90 who live alone. Proactivity versus reactivity in solving social problems. Mercedes Capa. Director of Social Services (Avilés City Council).
- Activate your neighbourhood. The transformation of social centres through people's participation. Vitoria City Council
12:00 h – 12:15 Break
Panel II (12:15 – 13:15 h). Moderator: Gustavo Castillo. Director of the Fundación Pilares
- COVID-19 Unit. Learnings for the future. Inmaculada Gómez Pastor. Director of CEADAC. (IMSERSO)
- Integral and Person-Centred care, at home too. Coordination of the different resources from the personalised plans. Coloma Reynes. (INTRESS)
- Collective construction of a social club as a space for the recovery of people with mental illness. Argia Foundation (pending confirmation)
13:15 – 14:00 New proposals in good practices from the field of technology. Moderator: Vanessa Zorrilla. CTO of the BBPP Network of the Pilares Foundation.
- Nerea Care. Non-face-to-face care. Xavier Rodríguez. Product Manager and strategic consultant of ALDA2U.
- EGARA. An electronic system for personal autonomy. Antonio Alarcón. Head of Egara R&D and Business Development in Instead Technologies.
- Rehabilitation robots for elderly people with acquired brain damage. Nicolás García Aracil. bBio and founder of iDrHa.
14:00 Closing
Other Professionals
- Raquel Lázaro