Matia Fundazioa and its Institute are clearly drawn to collaborating with agents from both the social and health sectors, as well as from other areas.
Therefore, it has a wide network of partners both locally and internationally that allow it to progress forward developing its Mission.
Some of the collaborating institutions are listed below. Consult the Projects section for more details.
The Matia Institute collaborates with UPV in different areas such as training, in connection with the Masters, Graduate and Doctorates levels, Research, currently working together on projects that address fragility and also in academic practicums by UPV students
In addition, the Matia Institute has belonged to Euskampus since its inception.
The cooperative relationship established with Nazaret Fundazioa is configured as a specialised initiative in the development of joint activities to promote the transfer of expertise. As such, this collaboration allows for the education system and the workplace to come together.
The Matia Institute collaborates with the area of neuroscience in research on Alzheimer's disease and other dementias and in the Strategic Project on ageing, participating in joint research on fragility.
The Matia Institute collaborates with Tecnalia in developing technologies linked to improving the quality of life and care.
We actively participate in the counselling the health division of Tecnalia, providing the vision of Gerontology and Elderly.
The Institute works closely with the Fundacion Bancaria La Caixa [La Caixa Banking Conference], undertaking the conference given in the 39 acts conducted in all of the CCAA for its Centennial, or with projects of large population impact like "Live well, feel better," or the letter "People first: Caring in the way we would like to be cared for,” the result of an extensive participatory action research process.
The Matia Institute maintains collaboration with the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid [Autonomous University of Madrid], focusing mainly in the field of research and research training in the field of Clinical Psychiatry-Psychology and Health
The Matia Institute, under the Collaboration Agreement it has with the Department of Employment and Social Policy, has had the opportunity to conduct the Study of living conditions of people over 55 years in the Basque Country (2015), which formed the basis for the Calculation of the Active Ageing Index (UNECE) for the Basque Country and the development of the Basque Active Ageing Strategy 2015-2020.
During the past few years, within this collaborative environment, the technical support for the Euskadi Lagunkoia project has been in development, which generates an important impact on the welfare of Basque citizens.
The Matia Institute maintains a close working relationship with initiatives in the field of Gerontology from different disciplinary approaches:
- Ageing Network
- Zahartzaroa
- International Longevity Centre of Brazil
- Fundación Pilares for Personal Autonomy
- Fundación Asispa

Matia collaborates with