The pathways are a set of considerations, actions and elements, endorsed by existing knowledge and validated by applied experience, on key contents of this approach to make it effective in centres and services.
Rutas Atención Centrada en la Persona
Las rutas son un conjunto de consideraciones, acciones y elementos, refrendados por el conocimiento existente y validados por la experiencia aplicada, sobre contenidos clave de un enfoque ACP para hacerlo efectivo en los centros y servicios.
Map of progress pathways in PCC
Good treatment is a basic, cross-cutting element when talking about person-centred care. In this route we explore what good treatment consists of and how to advance in its implementation in everyday care contexts.
Sometimes people's preferences may conflict with other values that we must also protect, such as health or safety. This pathway provides guidance on how to foster a culture of "yes" through shared decision-making.
This pathway explores how to reformulate a welfare system into one in which the participation and protagonism of people in their daily lives is a right and a core element of their care.
The pathways are a set of considerations, actions and elements, endorsed by existing knowledge and validated by applied experience, on key contents of this approach to make it effective in centres and services.