
Year: 2023
Author: Consorcio SEE ME
Project: SEE ME - Social inclusion through meaningful ageing

Year: 2023
Author: Aldaz, E.; Berrios, E.; Fernández, L.; Leiva, M.; López, L.C.; López, A.; Benedetti, F.; Díaz-Veiga, P.
Project: Proposal for the development of curricula and training strategies for the training of caregivers and other relevant functions of care homes at regional and international level.

Year: 2022
Author: QAVAD consortium
Project: QAVAD - Calidad de vida de las personas mayores en el domicilio

Year: 2022
Author: QAVAD consortium
Project: QAVAD - Calidad de vida de las personas mayores en el domicilio

Year: 2017
Author: Arriola, E.
Year: 2016
Project: Caring as we would like to be cared for

Year: 2015
Author: Del Barrio, E., Sancho, M.
Project: Caring as we would like to be cared for