Homewelfare state

welfare state

EH2040: Demography, territory, care, language

 Type: Conference
 Line of Knowledge: 
 Location: Usurbil - Residencia Artzabal

Conference organised by the Basque Summer University (UEU), Jakin and Usurbil Town Council with #ElkarEkin, in which questions such as the following are raised: What will the Basque Country be like in the year 2040? What do the demographic trends tell us? How many people will live? Are we moving towards a society of the elderly? What impact does this have on the care model and on pensions? And on territorial balance? And on Basque? And on the organisation of cities? We need to know what the future is and what we want it to be like in order to anticipate the future.



Demographic change: Are we prepared to live 100 years?

 Type: Conference
 Line of Knowledge: 
 Location: Barcelona

The persistently low fertility rate and the increase in life expectancy in Spain and in most Western countries has accelerated the ageing process (relative and absolute) of the population to levels never before seen in the history of mankind. In societies such as ours, this transformation is aggravated by the arrival of the baby boom generations into old age. All of this could undermine the sustainability of the welfare state, the institutional machinery that distributes resources between generations in solidarity through contributions, taxes and transfers.
