Homejarduera esanguratsuak

jarduera esanguratsuak

Gertu Kulturaren inaugurazioa

 Type: Conference
 Line of Knowledge: 
 Location: Santa Teresa komentua

Gertu Cultura kultura-programatzaileen sare bat da, eta bat egiten dute kalteberatasun-egoeran dauden pertsonei kulturarako sarbidea errazteko, gizarte-erakundeen eskutik. Datorren azaroaren 22an, programa honen inaugurazioa egingo da Gipuzkoan. Bertan, modu aktiboan parte hartuko dugu "Elkarrizketa: Oztoporik gabe: eskubideak, sarbidea eta parte-hartze kulturala" mahaian.

Other Professionals

Talentutik lagundu. «Zaintzan pertsonarenganako beste begirada bat hartzeko gakoak»

 Type: Conference
 Line of Knowledge: 

SEE ME ("Begira iezadazu") proiektuaren aurkezpen-ekitaldia. Erasmus + KA2 proiektua da, eta prestakuntza-tresnen kit bat garatu du, adinekoen zaintza eta gizarteratzea hobetzen laguntzeko, haien gizarte- eta esanahi-beharrak, talentuak eta ametsak kontuan hartuta.

Zaintzaileekin, boluntarioekin eta proiektuaren partzuergoa osatzen duten erakundeekin batera diseinatu da tresna hori, prozesu interaktibo batean.

Formulario de Inscripción

En el caso de no ir ligado a una entidad escribir interés personal

In compliance with the provisions of the current regulations on the Protection of Personal Data, the Data Controller is FUNDACIÓN MATÍA, Camino de los Pinos 35, 20018 Donostia-S. Sebastián, CIF: G20053583, Phone: 943317100, e-mail: info@matia.eus.

The basis for the processing of data is the user's consent and the purpose of the processing is to answer your query or suggestion.

The data will be kept as long as the relationship is maintained and their deletion is not requested and in any case in compliance with the legal limitation periods that may apply.

No data will be transferred to third parties, unless legally required, nor are international transfers of such data planned.

Interested parties may exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, portability, limitation of processing or opposition by writing to Matia, Pº de los Pinos 35, 20018 Donostia-S. Sebastián. Sebastián, DPD Contact: dpd@matia.eus. as well as to complain to the Control Authority (Spanish Data Protection Agency: www.agpd.es).



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Artea eta kultura, dementzian bizitza-zentzuaren leiho

 Type: Conference
 Line of Knowledge: 
 Location: Donostia - San Sebastián

Datorren ekainaren 8an Donostiako Aquariumean topaketa interesgarri bat egingo da. Bertan, hainbat arlotako adituek dementzia duten pertsonak eragile aktibo eta atzean kulturala eta artistikoa duten jardueren protagonista izateak eskaintzen dituen aukerei buruz eztabaidatuko dute.

Formulario de Inscripción

En el caso de no ir ligado a una entidad escribir interés personal

In compliance with the provisions of the current regulations on the Protection of Personal Data, the Data Controller is FUNDACIÓN MATÍA, Camino de los Pinos 35, 20018 Donostia-S. Sebastián, CIF: G20053583, Phone: 943317100, e-mail: info@matia.eus.

The basis for the processing of data is the user's consent and the purpose of the processing is to answer your query or suggestion.

The data will be kept as long as the relationship is maintained and their deletion is not requested and in any case in compliance with the legal limitation periods that may apply.

No data will be transferred to third parties, unless legally required, nor are international transfers of such data planned.

Interested parties may exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, portability, limitation of processing or opposition by writing to Matia, Pº de los Pinos 35, 20018 Donostia-S. Sebastián. Sebastián, DPD Contact: dpd@matia.eus. as well as to complain to the Control Authority (Spanish Data Protection Agency: www.agpd.es).



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