Homesocial policies

social policies

Best Practices Day: From care to support and inclusion in the community: person-centered care

 Type: Conference
 Line of Knowledge: 
 Location: Donostia - San Sebastián

The conference “From care to support and inclusion in the community: person-centered care”, promoted by the Department of Care and Social Policies, is a day of good practices that, from a knowledge management and learning approach, aims to disseminate, share and continue building a network of these fundamental principles in the transition of the care model.

Long-lived society and local policies: challenges and opportunities, rights and diversities.

 Type: Course
 Line of Knowledge: 
 Location: Barcelona

This course aims to discuss public policies on longevity and life cycle with a local perspective, intersectional, community perspective and inclusive approach to adapt these policies to the sociodemographic structure, heterogeneity in aging processes, inequalities and different territorial contexts.


32nd edition of the Summer School: Innovating for Social Transformation

 Type: Course
 Line of Knowledge: 
 Location: Online

The Department of Equality and Social Sustainability of Barcelona Provincial Council has organised this year's 32nd edition of the Summer School, a space for reflection, exchange and knowledge about local social policies for professionals from municipalities and local authorities in the province of Barcelona.
