

From a life imposed to a life of choice. The deinstitutionalization of support and care.

 Tipo: Curso
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Santander (Cantabria)

The deinstitutionalization strategy for a good life in community is a participatory initiative led by the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030, which responds to a need to move from a model of care based on institutional care to a model of community and personalized care, where people can choose where to live, what supports they need and how they want to receive them, and do so integrated into their community.



Forum: "Older people and essential services: the case of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities".

 Tipo: Jornada
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Online

On Wednesday 12 July 2023, EAPN-ES is organising the forum "Older people and essential services: the case of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities", from 11:00 to 12:30.

Access to essential services and participation of the elderly are two elements that, despite being recognised as rights and included in the regulatory and legal framework at national, European and international levels, do not always have all the guarantees in their enjoyment and access.



TOPAKETA. The social economy at first hand: Experiences of the Social Economy

 Tipo: Jornada
 Localización: Donostia - San Sebastián

The event is organised by the Donostia / San Sebastián Strategy Office with the aim of bringing the Social Economy and its different successful experiences closer to the citizens of Gipuzkoa.

The programme will be divided into three blocks:

Otros profesionales

Older people's participation as a right: experiences of good practice

 Tipo: Jornada
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Online

Participation is a right and a tool that people have not only to promote and influence the democratic health of the country and its institutions, but also to take part in those elements that affect people's lives and improve certain elements of their own well-being.


Supporting preferences that involve risks

 Tipo: Webinar
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Online

The development of care approaches centred on people's wishes and autonomy entails the need for resources and strategies that promote it. At Matia and ACP Gerontology we wanted to contribute to the establishment of good practices applicable either in the home or in social and healthcare centres, with the publication of two new materials that are part of the project "Routes for the Advancement of Person-Centred Care". 

Formulario de Inscripción

En el caso de no ir ligado a una entidad escribir interés personal

En cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en la normativa vigente en materia de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal, el Responsable del Tratamiento es la FUNDACIÓN MATÍA, camino de los Pinos 35, 20018 Donostia-S. Sebastián, CIF: G20053583, Teléfono: 943317100, e-mail:

La base para el tratamiento de los datos es el consentimiento del usuario y la finalidad del tratamiento es la de atender su consulta o sugerencia.

Los datos se conservarán mientras se mantenga le relación y no se solicite su supresión y en cualquier caso en cumplimiento de plazos legales de prescripción que le resulten de aplicación.

No se cederán datos a terceros, salvo obligación legal ni están previstas transferencias internacionales de dichos datos.

Los interesados pueden ejercitar sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, portabilidad, limitación al tratamiento u oposición dirigiéndose por escrito Matia, Pº de los Pinos 35, 20018 Donostia-S. Sebastián, Contacto DPD: así como a reclamar ante la Autoridad de Control (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos:



I want to decide about my life, do you know how to support me?

 Tipo: Webinar
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Online

The development of care approaches centred on people's wishes and autonomy entails the need for resources and strategies that promote it. From Matia and ACP Gerontology we wanted to contribute to the establishment of good practices applicable either at home or in social and health centres, with the publication of a material that is part of the project "Routes for the Advancement of Person-Centred Care".


Publicaciones relacionadas

XVI International Lares-EAN Congress: “Long-term care: Team and talent”

 Tipo: Congreso
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Alicante

Under the slogan "Long-term care: Team and talent", professionals from different countries will meet to discuss long-term care, find solutions, show and share good practices, examples and contribute new ideas. The challenges of human resources in the sector; the life of work teams, their leadership, communication, mediation as a tool, etc. will be part of the working sessions.


The Social Centres for the Elderly: Is change necessary?

 Tipo: Curso
 Línea de conocimiento: 

This Summer Course will be held face to face and there will also be the possibility to participate live online through ZOOM. Select in the enrolment process how you are going to participate: in person or live online.
