HasieraIkerkuntzaProiektuakEDEN - Embracing Dementia

EDEN - Embracing Dementia


 Ikertzaile nagusia:
Álvaro García

The EDEN project was born from the interest of having a common European approach to one of the social challenges on the horizon, such as the growing number of people with dementia in the region. In view of the aging population and the increasing risk of developing dementia due to age, a significant increase in the number of elderly people with dementia is expected in the coming decades.

Due to the nature of the disease and the gradual deterioration of the mental faculties of those affected, dementia is considered a "relatives disease" because of the stress that the course of the disease can place on partners and other close relatives. For this reason, dementia is a challenge that absorbs a substantial number of resources not only from the health care system, but also from families.

Through this more holistic approach, EDEN will address dementia management as a fundamental cooperation between professional care providers, family members and civil society to facilitate a better quality of life for both people living with dementia and their families.

The target groups of the EDEN project are; relatives, health and care professionals and civil society, and within this "target group triangle" as a starting point, the main objective of the project is to create a greater awareness of the importance of the role of families in the care and care of relatives living with dementia, and to foster closer collaboration at the local level between the three target groups of the project.

To achieve the main objective, the EDEN project will produce 5 concrete intellectual outputs, and each partner will be responsible for the coordination of one intellectual output.

  • Needs analysis
  • Learning and information material
  • Concept of community collaboration
  • Interactive learning platform
  • Policy and implementation recommendations

The EDEN project will be implemented by 6 partners from 5 EU countries; Denmark, UK, Netherlands, Italy and Spain. All partners participate in the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Aging and are called reference sites, so they will have great opportunities to disseminate and create sustainable collaboration within their local health ecosystems, as well as with other European regions, research institutions and NGOs participating in the partnership.


  • Logo de University College Lillebaelt
    University College Lillebaelt
  • Logo de Southern Denmark European Office
    Southern Denmark European Office
  • Logo de Healthy Ageing Network Northern Netherlands
    Healthy Ageing Network Northern Netherlands
  • Logo de Universita degli Studi di Udine
    Universita degli Studi di Udine
  • Logo de Matia Instituto
    Matia Instituto
  • Logo de Connected Health Alliance CIC
    Connected Health Alliance CIC (ECHAlliance)


2018 -tik 2021 -ra

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