HasieraForoetan parte hartzea5th European Good Practices in Friendliness Day

5th European Good Practices in Friendliness Day

 Mota: Jardunaldia
 Ezagutza lerroa: Active aging and friendliness

"Euskadi Lagunkoia" is a project of the Department of Employment and Social Policies of the Basque Government in collaboration with Matia Instituto, which aims to promote the participation of citizens and the public, private and social sectors to develop a movement of friendliness in the promotion of facilitating living environments for people who are ageing. 

There are currently more than 60 cities and towns throughout the Basque Country that are members of this Network and more than 800 included in the WHO World Network.

The aim of this 5th Conference of the Euskadi Lagunkoia network is to give visibility and share innovative and creative experiences that will serve as inspiration for the development of friendliness in the Basque Country. On this occasion, the chosen theme is "Ageism".

Who it is aimed at

  • People involved in friendliness projects Associations and NGOs.
  • Professionals and experts in ageing, urban planning and social innovation.
  • Planners and policy makers.
  • The general public. 

What objectives it aims to achieve

  • Reflect on the challenges and needs of municipalities, towns and cities to adapt to the ageing process.
  • To share innovative and creative experiences in the framework of friendliness carried out in other countries and cities.
  • To learn how different good practices have been developed and their possibilities of replicability in the Basque context.
  • To disseminate the Good Practices compiled in the Basque Bank of BBPP Lagunkoia.
  • To highlight those practices developed by entities in the Basque Country that stand out for their innovation and effectiveness in terms of friendliness.