HasieraIkerkuntzaProiektuakJust like at home: Towards people-centered service provision.

Just like at home: Towards people-centered service provision.


 Ikertzaile nagusia:
Erkuden Aldaz, Judith Salazar
Work package managers: Gerardo Amunarriz , Penélope Castejón Villarejo, Maria Francesca Cerdó, Cristina Buiza, Elisa Pozo, Marian Hernández, Maider Azurmendi, Paula García, Álvaro García, Kristina Etxeberria, Gorka Alías

This project aims to generate an itinerary for the transformation of residential centers towards Person-Centered Care. Starting from the aspects that promote wellbeing in people living in residential environments, the project aims to move towards person-centered environments based on what is significant and constitutive of wellbeing for them.

To this end, the project is articulated in ten interrelated work packages. First, a proposal for a guiding model of good care will be co-created based on people's preferences, available evidence and the lessons learned by the project team in processes of transformation of the residential care model. The proposed model, from each of its dimensions and from a systemic perspective, will be implemented both in Asturias and in the Basque Country, evaluating its impact and generating responses to various challenges currently present from empirical evidence. The lessons learned throughout the study will serve to modify the preliminary model and constitute the transformation model resulting from the project.

In the first dimension of the model, the dimension related to good treatment, personalization and meaningful life, the key elements in relation to the treatment that people demand will be reviewed in a participatory manner, in order to train the teams from reflective methodologies and accompany them in the process of transforming current professional practices towards others based on rights and good treatment in daily life.

The adequacy of environments and environments for a meaningful life will be another axis of action of the proposed model, in which the participatory review of relevant elements in relation to the design of the physical space will be the starting point to achieve personalized and meaningful environments that protect the privacy of people and promote relationships inside and outside the living unit.

The organizational dimension will contemplate the analysis and implementation in relation to key organizational elements such as; adequate ratios of professionals, identification of competencies and professional disciplines and number and characteristics of users, among other issues, trying to answer questions of great interest at a time when a profound change of residential centers towards people-centered environments is being addressed. This will require the generation of a shared organizational culture among all the actors present in the centers.

As another relevant work axis, the interrelation between the centers and the community will be addressed, as part of the same and as an entity that contributes value beyond the physical limits of the residences, actively contributing to the objective of preventing undesired institutionalization processes.

All these actions will be evaluated internally and externally, using various methodologies and techniques, with the aim of defining the transformation model resulting from the project, to know its impact on the welfare of people involved in care and to generate robust knowledge to guide public policies that drive change.


2022 -tik 2024 -ra

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