HasieraForoetan parte hartzeaConference: "The importance of caring for the elderly"

Conference: "The importance of caring for the elderly"

01/02/2023 -tik 15/02/2023 -ra
 Mota: Jardunaldia
 Ezagutza lerroa: Planning and models of care

On Wednesdays 1, 8 and 15 February, the conference 'The importance of caring for the elderly' will be held in Azpeitia. Among the topics to be discussed are the evolution of the ageing society, the unwanted loneliness of the elderly, the public policies of the Azpeitia Town Council to face this challenge and the presentation of the infrastructures to be implemented in the short term. Within the framework of the conference, the sheltered housing that will open its doors in the short term, the comprehensive home service and the project for a Multipurpose Centre in Perdillegi for people with dependency will be presented for the first time.

All the sessions will take place at 18:00 in the hall on the first floor of the Market Square, with no need for prior registration.

  • Wednesday, 1st February

- Topic: Presentation of the needs analysis of the elderly people of Azpeitia.
- Speakers: Madalen Saizarbitoria (SIIS), Leire Goenaga (president of the Social Services Committee of Azpeitia Town Council) and Edurne Zubia (technical manager).

  • Wednesday, 8th February

- Topic: Development of the HARIAK strategy of Bakardadea and Adinberri.
- Speakers: Javier Yanguas and Ainhoa Becerra (Adinberri)

  • Wednesday, 15th February

- Theme: Project for a multi-purpose centre for people with dependence
- Speakers: Maider Azurmendi and Enrique Echeverria (Matia Instituto), Maite Peña (Deputy of Social Policy of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa) and Nagore Alkorta (Mayoress of Azpeitia)



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