HasieraIkerkuntzaProiektuakGetting to know emotions

Getting to know emotions


 Ikertzaile nagusia:
Sara Marsillas

The collaboration between Matia Instituto and Afundación began in 2017 with the aim of developing a specific action to address the emotional state of the elderly. This action was generated following a co-creation methodology focused on people with participants of the Espazos +60. Based on their specific needs and preferences, the people themselves participated in the co-design of the training programme. Their contributions were key in deciding the structure of the programme, the topics chosen, aligned with their concerns and needs, the dynamics, the contents, the number of sessions and their duration.

Following the selected methodology, after the development of the programme, it was taken as a prototype and it was decided to design a pilot project to test its operation before extending it to the Espazos +60 Afundación network. At the end of the implementation of the prototype, the group was reconvened in order to investigate the points of improvement and to work together on the elements that needed to be redesigned. The final programme is the result of the redesign with the participants and has been implemented in the 10 Espazos +60 since February 2022.


The final objective of the project was to elaborate a work proposal - in the form of a programme - on emotions and their management in older people.

Specific objectives:

  • To carry out a participatory process incorporating qualitative techniques to identify needs and contents of interest in relation to emotions.
  • Co-design the key elements related to the structure of the programme, the chosen themes, dynamics, contents, as well as practical-logistical aspects.
  • To develop a prototype of a programme to work on emotions and their regulation according to the needs of older people.
  • Test the prototype and redesign it jointly to adapt it according to the identified elements of improvement.


  • Identificación de las necesidades de las personas participantes en los Espazos +60 respecto a la dimensión emocional.
  • Programa co-diseñado y testeado con las personas participantes en los Espazos + 60.
  • Implementación del programa en 10 Espazos + 60.
  • Evaluación del programa en 10 Espazos +60.




Proiektuaren egoera

