HasieraForoetan parte hartzea7th International Conference on Evidence-Based Long-Term Care Policies

7th International Conference on Evidence-Based Long-Term Care Policies

12/09/2024 -tik 14/09/2024 -ra
 Mota: Kongresoa
 Ezagutza lerroa: Cares, Social politics
 Lekua: Bilbao

International conference hosted this year by the Euskalduna Conference Center in Bilbao, under the joint organization of the ILPN and the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, with the following objectives:

  • Strengthen links between the research community, policy makers and the long-term care industry.
  • To foster research collaborations to develop new evidence in areas where knowledge gaps in long-term care exist.
  • Promote the exchange of evidence on long-term care policy and practice.
  • Promote the comparative analysis of international policies to foster evidence-based policy formulation.

From Matia participate Álvaro García Soler, researcher at Matia Inatituto, in a panel on “Innovative approaches to improve mental well-being and resilience of informal caregivers” sharing on the findings and learnings of the INCARE project, and the co-director of Matia Instituto, Elena del Barrio, in a panel on “Situation and needs of people over 50 years old in Bizkaia” with a presentation on Edadism and the experience of aging.


