HomeResearchProjectsEGITEN IKASI - Innovative training resources in person-centered care

EGITEN IKASI - Innovative training resources in person-centered care


 Principal investigator:
Erkuden Aldaz
Nerea Etxaniz, Sara Marsillas, Miren Iturburu

Egiten ikasi aims to design and develop innovative and contrasted pedagogical resources, based on research and developed in co-creation processes, that favor the acquisition of attitudinal and instrumental competencies for care in the framework of ACP, to promote the advancement of this care approach in the territory of Gipuzkoa and thus the good care of people in a situation of dependency. The pedagogical resources developed will be made available to current caregivers and to those who are being trained to care in the future.

Call for grants from Kutxa Fundazioa for social and cultural projects to be developed by associations and non-profit organizations in Gipuzkoa in 2020.


Kutxa Fundazioa


  • Logo de Nazaret Fundazioa
    Nazaret Fundazioa
  • Logo de Matia Instituto
    Matia Instituto


2020 to 2021


Erkuden Aldaz
Erkuden Aldaz Director of Matia Institute - Researcher
Miren Iturburu
Miren Iturburu Researcher
Sara Marsillas
Sara Marsillas Researcher
Nerea Etxaniz Researcher

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