This is an action-research project based on participatory methodologies, through which it is intended to help each person living in an IASS residence to develop a quality life, a chosen life, without leaving the community to which they belong and with the support and care they need.
Miren Iturburu

Graduated in Chemistry from the University of the Basque Country in 1989, in 2007 she turned her career to the field of ageing. Specialist in Psychosocial Intervention in Gerontology (course given by Matia Institute and Lahar Elkargoa in 2009) and Master in Ageing from the University of Murcia in 2011, since 2007 she has been working at Matia Gerontology Institute as a researcher on issues related to the field of the elderly and functional diversity in the psychosocial area.
She participates in and coordinates research projects, both national and European, related to frailty and the promotion of physical activity as a preventive measure and to improve the functional capacity of the elderly; as well as in projects to support the implementation of Person-Centred Care in residential settings and the personalisation of care for carers.
She is a specialist in Social and Health Ethics from the University of the Basque Country (2021) and since 2019 she has been a member of the Ethics Committee for Social Intervention of Matia Fundazioa and Hurkoa Fundazioa.
The OREKA project aims to develop an intelligent solution that identifies unstable situations that could result in falls, sending alerts to healthcare staff and caregivers to prevent falls in the intermediate care hospital setting.
This project is a proposal for innovation that through training, accompaniment and research, aims to help older people living in IASS residences to develop their life project in spaces that ensure their dignity and rights, maintaining the meaning of their day to day life as they have done in thei
New technological solutions for the optimisation of indoor air quality and minimisation of airborne transmission of pathogens
Egiten ikasi aims to design and develop innovative and contrasted pedagogical resources, based on research and developed in co-creation processes, that favor the acquisition of attitudinal and instrumental competencies for care in the framework of ACP, to promote the advancement of this care appr
The Project "Supporting Inclusive Development of Community-Based Long-Term Care Services through Participatory Multi-Stakeholder Approaches (InCARE)" aims to promote participatory, innovative and integrated approaches to long-term care policy and service development by focusing on aspects that ar
QAVAD is a European Erasmus + project that, from the binomial accompaniment/care and training, seeks to promote the development or maintenance of cognitive, motor and social skills, essential for the quality of life of those people who require support and wish to remain in their homes.
The main objective of the project is to research, develop and study the application of virtual reality solutions aimed at generating well-being in the elderly.
The EXTENSOR project addresses a relevant problem, musculoskeletal disorders are the first cause of sick leave and represent 45.8% of the cost of occupational diseases in the Basque Country.
From a functional point of view, frailty is a state of high vulnerability in which the ability of frail elderly people to adapt to adverse events such as a fall or the flu is reduced, leading to functional deterioration and dependence.
The SAREA project aims to improve child and elderly care services in Guipuzcoa and the Atlantic Pyrenees through the development of innovative models and practices that enhance the empowerment of users and families in the design of their life projects.
It is a social action program based on the training of social workers to improve the quality of life of dependent elderly people and people with functional diversity. The project focuses on combining "life projects" and "care projects", providing personalized support through holistic solutions.
What's the cyberphysical system?
RAPP is a 3-year research project (2013-2016) funded by the European Commission through its FP7 programme. The RAPP project will provide an open source software platform to support the creation and delivery of robotic applications.
The increasing demand of leisure and cultural services by the segment of people with functional diversity requires tourist destinations to be prepared to provide this part of society with a service with guaranteed quality.
The ELDERBASK project, funded by the ETORTEK Programme of the Basque Government, is posed with an integrative view of technological capabilities (IK4 and TECNALIA), and geriatric are (Matia Gerontological Institute and BIOEF), and has as its ultimate goal the development of an industry and servic
Improving health care, and rising awareness about maintaining a happy lifetime, healthy aging and high standards of life quality are increasing the long life expectancy of EU citizens which is a true source of pride for the EU.
Participation in forums
Blog posts
When we care for and accompany lives, we often have doubts about how to act in certain situations.
On 11 and 12 December, the first meeting of the RAPP project, Robotic Applications for Delivering Smart User Empowering Applications, took place in Thess
"Building wellbeing from the meaningful and the everyday", an event jointly organised by Zahartzaroa and Matia Fundazioa, in which a new collaborative research space will be presented, as well as the first product housed in this space, a new guide to meaningful everyday activities for people with