Comprehensive Alzheimer's and other Dementias Plan (2019-2023).

Addressing dementias is a public health priority and a major social and health problem. In this sense, and taking into account the various sectors of the population that are directly or indirectly affected by the disease, as well as its complexity, the "WHO Global Action Plan on the Public Health Response to Dementia" (adopted on May 29, 2017) urges States to have national policies, strategies, plans or frameworks to address this public health priority. And this from a public health approach involving, in addition to the government, all stakeholders.
We are facing a social and health priority as a result of the confluence of several factors related to the size and scope of dementias, as well as its high economic and social impact for those affected, their family caregivers and society as a whole.
From this approach, the Comprehensive Plan for Alzheimer's and other Dementias is articulated in 4 Transversal Axes of Action: awareness, awareness and transformation of the environment, the person at the center of social and health care: prevention, diagnosis and treatment, rights, ethics and dignity of the person and research, innovation and knowledge. Each of these axes is interrelated and developed around the indissoluble binomial: person with Alzheimer's and family caregiver as the center and meaning of all the actions it promotes.
Other Professionals
- Arriola
- E.