Mayte Sancho

Expert in gerontological planning
Mayte Sancho

Psychologist from the Complutense University of Madrid and Master in Social Gerontology from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Civil servant of the IMSERSO (1978-2008) and since 1999 responsible for the Observatory of Aging and Dependency of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. Expert of the OECD and the Council of Europe in Aging and Social Protection (1992-1998) and member of the group for the elaboration of the Law for the Promotion of Personal Autonomy and Care for Dependency (2006). Since 2008 Technical Advisor and later Scientific Director of Matia Instituto Gerontológico. In 2017 Director of Planning of Matia until December 2019.

She has numerous publications and has participated and directed several research and gerontological planning studies: among others:

  • Report for the CA of Castilla y León on: . Analysis of international trends in residential centers and other accommodations (2021).
  • Report for the CA of Rioja: report on challenges of social services for elderly care in La Rioja and proposals for improvement to respond to social changes. Bases for the development of a strategy for social services in the field of aging (2021).
  • Fragility of elderly care institutions in the face of Covid 19. Lessons learned and recommendations for the reform of services. Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) 2021.
  • Proposal for the creation of a support network model for people with disabilities with high assistance needs. Design of a pilot study for the evaluation of the impact of a personal assistance program to promote independent living and social inclusion of people with disabilities in the Republic of Panama. IDB 2019.
  • Study "Etxean Bizi" (at home well) ( 2017-2020) Diputación Foral de Guipúzcoa. Municipalities of Pasajes, Rentería and Elgoibar.
  • Study "Soledades". 2019-2020. Adinberri Call.
  • Strategy for the prevention of dependency and promotion of active aging in Castilla y León 2017-2021.
  • Madrid City Council Friendliness Plan 2017-2020.
  • Basque Active Aging Strategy 2015-2020.
  • Obra Social Caixa projects:
    • Living well, feeling better.
    • People first. Charter on aging and care.
    • Senior Citizen Centers
  • Study of living conditions of people aged 50 and over in the Basque Country, 2014.
  • Socio-health integration and person-centered care. Basque Government, 2011-2014. Etxean Ondo Project.
    • Pilot experiences in residences for the elderly.
    • Etxean Ondo experience in homes in Guipuzcoa and Alava (15 municipalities).
  • Reality of people aged 60 and over in the Basque Country, 2011.