Effectiveness of a person-centred prescribing model in hospitalised older people at the end of life according to their disease trajectories and frailty index

Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20(4), 3542.
This study aimed to comparatively analyse the effect of the person-centred prescribing (PCP) model on pharmacotherapeutic indicators and pharmacological treatment costs between a dementia-like trajectory and an end-stage organ failure trajectory, and two frailty states.
A randomised controlled trial was conducted with patients ≥65 years admitted to a sub-acute hospital and identified by the Palliative Care Need test to require palliative care.
After application of the PCP model, these patients improved significantly in the intervention group compared to the control group in the mean number of chronic medications,
This work has been carried out by pharmacists and geriatricians from the Geriatric Convalescence Unit of the Ricardo Bermingham Hospital and collaborating researchers from the University of the Basque Country.