Homesocial inclusion

social inclusion

Museums and dementia: what challenges?

 Type: Conference
 Line of Knowledge: 
 Location: Coimbra (Portugal)

As part of the commemoration of International Museum Day, under the slogan "The power of museums", the colloquium "celebrates the power of art, science and community to promote intellectual, social and emotional accessibility for people with dementia and their carers".



III Conference on Good Practices in the attention to social inclusion III Conference on Good Practices in the attention to social inclusion

 Type: Conference

This III Good Practices Conference will be held on 29 October, in the morning, at the Kursaal. Organised by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, the conference will be held in person, with limited seating capacity, and will also be broadcast via streaming. In line with previous years, they will focus on innovation in social policies and care models. 


Models of intervention in social exclusion

 Type: Course
 Line of Knowledge: 
 Location: Donostia-San Sebastián

The course is aimed at people -professionals and volunteers- who work in the field of direct intervention with people in a situation or at risk of social exclusion. The aim of this course is to lay the theoretical foundations of intervention in the field of social exclusion from the social services, based on the models of quality of life and person-centred care.

