VI International Colloquium Reiactis: "Inclusive and advanced society in age".
04/02/2020 to 06/02/2020
Type: Congress
Line of Knowledge: Active aging and friendliness
Location: Metz
Doble participación de Matia Instituto enmarcada en el Simposio: "Abordar la soledad desde las sociedades inclusivas: Estudios y ejemplos de actuación en España". Modera: Sara Marsillas
- Loneliness(s) and aloneness in older adults Sara Marsillas, Elena del Barrio and Mayte Sancho, Matia Instituto, Spain.
- Loneliness and the importance of meaningful roles. Daniel Prieto Sancho, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Spain.
- Grandes Vecinos: Enhancing friendly relationships between older adults and their neighbours Mercedes Villegas, Grandes Amigos, Spain.
- Age-Friendly Basque Country Project: A tool for citizenship and social inclusion. Elena del Barrio; Sara Marsillas; A. Tomasena, N. Almazán, Mayte Sancho, Matia Instituto; Amilibia, L., Department of Employment and Social Policies. Basque Country, Spain.
Elena del Barrio
Director of Social Policies and Contexts - Researcher
Sara Marsillas