HomeParticipation in forumsXVIII Conference on support for families with chronically ill patients

XVIII Conference on support for families with chronically ill patients

 Type: Conference
 Line of Knowledge: Cares
 Location: Donostia-San Sebastián

The presence of a chronically ill person in the home causes many changes in families both in terms of caring for them and trying to meet their multiple physical and emotional needs. Families need adequate information to know how to organize themselves, care for them, maintain their usual activities if possible and how to obtain support from both the health and social welfare teams, especially when their dependence on other people increases. In this conference we will review the basics to make the care of the sick more humane.

The event, open to all the public who wish to attend, will take place next Monday, May 13, from 17h. in the auditorium of the College of Physicians of Gipuzkoa. The activity will be free of charge and there will be places until full capacity is reached.

Scientific program:
Needs of a patient at the end of life. Belén López. Physician.
Nursing role in the care of a sick person at home. Maider Valencia. Nurse Hospital Universitario Donostia.
Functions of the social worker in the search for well-being. María Goya. Head of Home Care. Matia Foundation.
In the skin of the other. Empathy in human relationships. Belén Altuna. Prof. UPV. Bioethics Committee. Donostia University Hospital.
Palliative care of dementia patients. Nerea de Sousa. Physician.

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