HomeParticipation in forums

Participation in forums


A meeting point for sharing knowledge and experiences. A section in which all opinions are welcome. We participate and contribute by sharing our knowledge in different discussion and opinion forums.

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  Date: June 2019
Type: Conference
Contribución: Presentation
 Professionals: Elena del Barrio
  Keywords: disability, Ageing
  Date: April 2019
Type: Workshop
Contribución: Presentation
 Professionals: Elena del Barrio
  Date: March 2019
Type: Congress
Contribución: Presentation
 Professionals: Mayte Sancho
  Date: February 2019
Type: Others
Contribución: Presentation
  Keywords: palliative care, taboo, death
  Date: January 2019
Type: Congress
Contribución: Presentation
  Date: March 2019
Type: Congress
Contribución: Presentation
 Professionals: Heitor G. Lantarón, Erkuden Aldaz, Pura Diaz-VeigaIvan Antón, Enrique Arriola, Marta Alvarez de Arcaya, Javier Alava, María Aristia, Lori Thompson, Kevin O’Hara, Elena Fernández
  Date: April 2019
Type: Seminar
Contribución: Presentation
  Date: April 2019
Type: Course
Contribución: Presentation
 Professionals: Mayte Sancho
  Date: March 2019
Type: Seminar
Contribución: Presentation
 Professionals: Miren Iturburu
