Iniciopersonal autonomy

personal autonomy

Accessible urban planning

 Tipo: Webinar
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Online

What would our cities be like if they were designed with accessibility criteria, so that anyone could move around them without obstacles of any kind? We have so normalized barriers that perhaps it is a little difficult to imagine it.


"Inclusive service portfolio generating employment, independent living service and space for inclusion and opportunities".

 Tipo: Jornada
 Localización: Valladolid

Conference of Plena Inclusión Castilla y León and the Junta de Castilla y León, which will feature speakers of recognised national and international prestige with different discussion tables on the experiences and microprojects developed by the entities in the framework of the project "Inclusive services portfolio generating employment, independent living service and space for inclusion and opportunities".


Long-term care at home

 Tipo: Jornada
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y del Trabajo de la Universidad de Zaragoza

Addressing long-term care at home is a challenging subject to analyse and study due to the possibilities of reformulating the conceptual framework, based on comprehensive models centred on users with ecosystemic approaches adapted to the territory.

It is increasingly important to consider the advances that are being developed in long-term care, in order to respond to the needs and concerns of people who want to remain at home, promoting, maintaining and preserving their autonomy as much as possible.


Presentation of the Basque Strategy for the Elderly

 Tipo: Jornada
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Vitoria-Gasteiz

Meeting organised by the Basque Government on Friday 20 January at the Palacio de Europa (Vitoria-Gasteiz) from 11:00 to 14:00, in a day of presentation of the "Basque Strategy with the elderly" in which, in addition, the driving projects promoted by the same will be presented, among them: Helduak Zabaltzen, Euskadi Lagunkoia and the Longitudinal Study on ageing and care, all three with the participation of Matia Instituto.

Provisional programme:

11:00-11:45h Presentation of the Basque Strategy with the elderly.

11:45-12:10h Lunch break


Supporting preferences that involve risks

 Tipo: Webinar
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Online

The development of care approaches centred on people's wishes and autonomy entails the need for resources and strategies that promote it. At Matia and ACP Gerontology we wanted to contribute to the establishment of good practices applicable either in the home or in social and healthcare centres, with the publication of two new materials that are part of the project "Routes for the Advancement of Person-Centred Care". 

Formulario de Inscripción

En el caso de no ir ligado a una entidad escribir interés personal

En cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en la normativa vigente en materia de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal, el Responsable del Tratamiento es la FUNDACIÓN MATÍA, camino de los Pinos 35, 20018 Donostia-S. Sebastián, CIF: G20053583, Teléfono: 943317100, e-mail:

La base para el tratamiento de los datos es el consentimiento del usuario y la finalidad del tratamiento es la de atender su consulta o sugerencia.

Los datos se conservarán mientras se mantenga le relación y no se solicite su supresión y en cualquier caso en cumplimiento de plazos legales de prescripción que le resulten de aplicación.

No se cederán datos a terceros, salvo obligación legal ni están previstas transferencias internacionales de dichos datos.

Los interesados pueden ejercitar sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, portabilidad, limitación al tratamiento u oposición dirigiéndose por escrito Matia, Pº de los Pinos 35, 20018 Donostia-S. Sebastián, Contacto DPD: así como a reclamar ante la Autoridad de Control (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos:



I want to decide about my life, do you know how to support me?

 Tipo: Webinar
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Online

The development of care approaches centred on people's wishes and autonomy entails the need for resources and strategies that promote it. From Matia and ACP Gerontology we wanted to contribute to the establishment of good practices applicable either at home or in social and health centres, with the publication of a material that is part of the project "Routes for the Advancement of Person-Centred Care".


Publicaciones relacionadas

I Edition of webinars: Accessibility by Right

 Tipo: Seminario
 Línea de conocimiento: 
 Localización: Online

The State Reference Centre for Personal Autonomy and Technical Aids (Ceapat) of the Imserso in Madrid is organising the first edition of the "Accessibility by Right" webinars to be held from 4 to 8 October 2021, from 16:00 to 18:30.

For the organisation of the webinars, Ceapat has the collaboration of the Ibero-American Social Security Organisation and the Network of Ibero-American Centres for Personal Autonomy and Technical Aids (Ciapat) located in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Colombia.
