HasieraForoetan parte hartzeaInclusió.cat. II Congrés de l’Acció Social

Inclusió.cat. II Congrés de l’Acció Social

03/07/2019 -tik 04/07/2019 -ra
 Mota: Kongresoa
 Ezagutza lerroa: Planning and models of care
 Lekua: Vic

The Congress of Social Action - Inclusió.cat is an event that seeks to encourage the creation of evidence-based knowledge to strengthen academic and professional disciplines in the field of social services. Organised by the Department of Labour, Social Affairs and Families and the Chair of Social Services of the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia, Inclusió.cat aims to:

  • Become an instrument for promoting innovation, knowledge and professionalisation of the sector.
  • To become a reference date for the meeting of all the actors that make up the Catalan Social Services System.
  • To bring together the different social services agents to create synergies and unite the knowledge in social services generated by academics, researchers and professionals.

Mayte Sancho, Director of Planning at Matia Fundazioa, will participate as a speaker at a table dedicated to prevention and integrated care in the home and community environment.
