HasieraPerson-Centred Care

Person-Centred Care

Proposals for the new care needs of people in the ageing process

 Mota: Besteak
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Casa de Cultura de Okendo (Donostia-San Sebastián)

On Wednesday 17 January, our colleagues Iraide Robles, Social Worker - Case Manager at Lugaritz housing, and Maria Karmen Garmendia Lasa, President of the Matia Board of Trustees, gave a talk organised by Helduen Hitza, in which they shared a series of ideas related to care and the current profiles of elderly people. A new longevity with very different lifestyles and needs, to which the care system must adapt, with a new, more community-based, flexible approach, centred on the person and their decision-making. 


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Senior Living Forum

 Mota: Kongresoa
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Madrid

Senior Living Forum arose as a response to the continued growth of the senior living sector in Spain. This growth is attributed to the increase in life expectancy, the lack of supply, the emergence of new innovative forms of accommodation, the development of Spain as a tourist and residential destination for international seniors, and the creation of new ways of accessing adapted housing for the elderly.

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Conference Challenges of Social and Health Coordination: towards a preventive, personalised and community approach

 Mota: Jardunaldia
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Los Llanos de Aridane (La Palma)

The Cabildo de La Palma and Plena Inclusión Canarias are organising this meeting which aims to make other realities visible in order to respond to the challenges detected and whose main objectives are to go deeper into the models of care and social and health care coordination, highlighting the quantitative data of La Palma; to show the alternatives and innovative solutions in this aspect for people with dependency; to generate alternatives for social and health care coordination between the different agents and administrations, and to make visible the De-institutionalisation Strategy at na



Training of caregivers in competencies for person-centred care

 Mota: Webinar
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Online

Today, an estimated 5 million paid caregivers are needed to care for the elderly in Latin America and the Caribbean. At the rate of population ageing in the region, 14 million will be needed by 2050.

How to move towards more training and professionalisation? This will be the main topic to be addressed in a webinar aimed at disseminating the results of research in the field of training for carers in long-term care centres in Colombia, Costa Rica and Uruguay.


Erlazionatutako argitalpenak

II International Nurses' Day Scientific Conference 2023

 Mota: Jardunaldia
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Gran Canaria

The Scientific Conference of the International Nurses' Day 2023 organised by the Official College of Nursing of Las Palmas (CELP) held its third and final session at the Hotel Santa Catalina, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, analysing social change in health care as the central theme.

Our colleague and co-director of Matia Instituto, Erkuden Aldatz, will be among the speakers invited to talk about experiences in the change of care model, presenting the project "Como en Casa".



Long-term care at home

 Mota: Jardunaldia
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y del Trabajo de la Universidad de Zaragoza

Addressing long-term care at home is a challenging subject to analyse and study due to the possibilities of reformulating the conceptual framework, based on comprehensive models centred on users with ecosystemic approaches adapted to the territory.

It is increasingly important to consider the advances that are being developed in long-term care, in order to respond to the needs and concerns of people who want to remain at home, promoting, maintaining and preserving their autonomy as much as possible.


Accompanying from the talent. "Keys to adopting a new approach to the person in care".

 Mota: Jardunaldia
 Ezagutza lerroa: 

Presentation event of SEE ME ("Look at me"), an Erasmus + KA2 project in which a training toolkit has been developed with the aim of contributing to the improvement of care and social inclusion of older people by addressing their social and meaning needs, talents and dreams.

This toolkit has been co-designed in an iterative process with carers, volunteers and the organisations that make up the project consortium.

Inskripzio orria

Erakunde bati lotuta ez bazaude, idatzi “interes pertsonala”

Datu Pertsonalen Babesaren arloan indarrean dagoen araudia betez, tratamenduaren arduraduna MATÍA FUNDAZIOA da, Pinuen bidea 35, 20018 Donostia-S. Donostia, IFK: G20053583, Telefonoa: 943317100, helbide elektronikoa: info@matia.eus.

Datuak tratatzeko oinarria erabiltzailearen baimena da, eta tratamenduaren helburua haren kontsulta edo iradokizunari erantzutea da.

Datuak gorde egingo dira harremanean dauden bitartean eta ezabatzeko eskatzen ez den bitartean, eta, nolanahi ere, aplikatu beharreko legezko preskripzio-epeak betez.

Ez zaie daturik lagako hirugarrenei, legeak hala agindu ezean, eta ez daude aurreikusita datu horien nazioarteko transferentziak.

Interesdunek datuetan sartzeko, datuak zuzentzeko, ezabatzeko, eramangarritasunerako, tratamendua mugatzeko edo aurka egiteko eskubideak erabil ditzakete. Horretarako, idatzi bat bidali behar dute Matia, Pinos pasealekua 35, 20018 Donostia-S. Sebastián, Contacto DPD: dpd@matia.eus. baita Kontrol Agintaritzaren aurrean (Datuak Babesteko Espainiako Agentzia: www.agpd.es) erreklamatzekoa ere.



Erlazionatutako argitalpenak

State Deinstitutionalisation Strategy: "For a good life in the community".

 Mota: Jardunaldia
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Madrid

Currently, many of these services for people with greater support needs are provided in large institutions and the aim of the future Strategy is precisely to try to promote services that enable people to live independently and autonomously in their family, social and community environment.

The future Strategy for De-institutionalisation and development of community support services aims to prioritise personalised care in the community.


Presentation of the project "Just like at home: Towards people-centered service provision"

 Mota: Jardunaldia
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Lugones (Siero) / Online

This activity takes place within the framework of the "CuidAs week" organised by the Regional Ministry of Social Rights and Welfare of the Principality of Asturias, from 14 to 17 November.


Beste profesional batzuk


How to improve our communication with people with dementia on a daily and meaningful level

 Mota: Webinar
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Online

The development of care approaches centred on people's wishes and autonomy entails the need for resources and strategies that promote it. At Matia and ACP Gerontology we wanted to contribute to the establishment of good practices applicable either in the home or in social and healthcare centres, with the publication of two new materials that are part of the project "Routes for the Advancement of Person-Centred Care". 


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