

Lifelong care

 Mota: Jardunaldia
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Siero (Asturias)

The Department of Social Rights and Welfare of the Principality of Asturias and the newspaper “El Comercio” organize a meeting in the municipality of Siero to talk about challenges and opportunities of the care and support system in a context of low birth rate and marked aging of the population.

Our colleague Sara Marsilla, researcher at Matia Institute, will participate in one of the tables talking about one of the main challenges, such as the different forms of loneliness present in our society.


Active aging talk

 Mota: Besteak
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Hernani

Within the framework of the activities organized by the Department of Elderly People of the Hernani City Council, a talk on Active Aging is given by our colleague Andrea Pozo, researcher at Matia Institute.


Talks series: "Surveillance system upside down".

 Mota: Besteak
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Oñati

Within the framework of a series of meetings on care organised by Oñati Town Council, our colleagues from Mati Instituto, Nerea Almazán and Nerea Etxaniz will be giving a talk on 9 November entitled: "Growing old in the 21st century. Models and challenges", which focuses on the diversity of realities of the elderly population that clashes with the ageist view that homogenises them.

To do so, we will talk about myths, Social Centres for the Elderly, elderly women and rethink the care we want.

The activity will start at 18:00 on the third floor of Eltzia.


Conference: "The importance of caring for the elderly"

 Mota: Jardunaldia
 Ezagutza lerroa: 

On Wednesdays 1, 8 and 15 February, the conference 'The importance of caring for the elderly' will be held in Azpeitia. Among the topics to be discussed are the evolution of the ageing society, the unwanted loneliness of the elderly, the public policies of the Azpeitia Town Council to face this challenge and the presentation of the infrastructures to be implemented in the short term.


Beste profesional batzuk

Conference on Loneliness and the Elderly - Cycle of Social Challenges in the Balearic Islands

 Mota: Jardunaldia
 Ezagutza lerroa: 

This event, part of the cycle of social challenges in the Balearic Islands organised by Club Diario de Mallorca and the "la Caixa" Foundation, will consist of a conference focused on giving visibility to the problem of loneliness, how it affects the elderly, how to deal with this reality and what actions are being implemented in the Balearic Islands to accompany people.


Presentation "Solitude as we age" by Mayte Sancho, psychologist and expert in social gerontology and planning.


Demographic change: Are we prepared to live 100 years?

 Mota: Jardunaldia
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Barcelona

The persistently low fertility rate and the increase in life expectancy in Spain and in most Western countries has accelerated the ageing process (relative and absolute) of the population to levels never before seen in the history of mankind. In societies such as ours, this transformation is aggravated by the arrival of the baby boom generations into old age. All of this could undermine the sustainability of the welfare state, the institutional machinery that distributes resources between generations in solidarity through contributions, taxes and transfers.


"Living with Meaning" - 10 years advancing in person-centred care

 Mota: Jardunaldia

This year marks a decade since the beginning of the transformation of the care model in our homes.

An itinerary that began with a project initiated with the Basque Government, and which has brought with it the adoption of a new way of understanding care linked to aspects such as respect for dignity and personal autonomy, the promotion of capabilities from the meaningful and the everyday, the personalization of care under the figure of the professional of reference or the strengthening of life with the communities in which the centers are located.
