HomeInstituteProfessionalsRoberto Nuño Solinís

Roberto Nuño Solinís

Director de Matia Osasun

Doctor in Business Organization (UDIMA), Master in Health Innovation (U. Nebrija), health economist (U. Tromso) and graduate in CCEE and Business Studies (Deusto). I have carried out management, strategic consultancy, teaching and research functions in organizations such as WHO, IDB, BIOEF, Deusto Business School and Osakidetza, among others. I research the convergence of value-based healthcare, integrated care and person-centered care, as well as the development and organizational impact of professional self-management models.

President of the Health Economics Section of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Bilbao, member of the Board of Directors of the Health Economics Association (AES) and Editor of the International Journal of Integrated Care.

More information on published studies here.

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