

Ageism in the media

 Type: Conference
 Line of Knowledge: 
 Location: Donostia - San Sebastián

The GIZADIBERRI project of the Orue Auzolana Foundation and the HelpAge Spain Foundation, with the sponsorship of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, have organized a conference to present the guide Adinekoenganako adinkeriarik gabeko komunikazio-gida, written by HelpAge Spain and translated into Basque by GIZADIBERRI, and in which experts will try to analyze how communication can help to combat ageism. The event will take place in the Gunea room of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, from 10:00 to 12:00.


7th International Conference on Evidence-Based Long-Term Care Policies

 Type: Congress
 Line of Knowledge: 
 Location: Bilbao

International conference hosted this year by the Euskalduna Conference Center in Bilbao, under the joint organization of the ILPN and the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, with the following objectives:



Conference on "Microedadismos: Subtle discrimination".

 Type: Conference
 Line of Knowledge: 
 Location: Madrid

This face-to-face conference will try to define basic concepts such as ageism and micro-ageism and to delve into the existence of certain attitudes that, by action or omission, consciously or unconsciously, have been incorporated into the society in which we live and that perpetuate ageism.

During the day there will be the opinion and the protagonism of both recognized experts in the field, as well as older people who will tell in first person their vision and experience.

An event organized by the IMSERSO, which will take place next Tuesday, May 28, starting at 9:00 am.


Senior Future Forum. Senior Talent

 Type: Conference
 Line of Knowledge: 
 Location: Madrid

As part of its intergenerational cultural programme, the Círculo de Bellas Artes and Padula & Partners are organising the ‘Senior Future’ Forums, a Merck initiative in collaboration with the Banco Sabadell Foundation.

This first forum, entitled ‘The new majority of a future that is already here’, will focus on aspects such as halting the problem of ageism or age discrimination, which requires effective solutions in a society with an increasing number of senior citizens and workers.


Let's talk about ageism

 Type: Others
 Line of Knowledge: 
 Location: Donostia - San Sebastián

In recent years we have heard a lot about the term "ageism", a concept that, as the word itself indicates, refers to a type of discrimination based on age. Currently considered one of the most widespread forms of discrimination, along with racism and sexism, it is still largely unknown to society in general. Given the topicality and growing interest that seems to generate this issue, from the Lugaritz housing construction team we have decided to organize a talk in which we will have Elena del Barrio, co-director of Matia Institute and expert on the subject.


Panel discussion at the Silver Film Festival

 Type: Others
 Line of Knowledge: 
 Location: BBK Kuna de Bilbao

Age discrimination, i.e. ageism, occurs in many ways in our society, without us being aware of it. How does it happen? How does it affect us? What consequences does it have on people, on the economy, on health and on society? How can it be combated? What can the media do? What can I do?


"Idadismo e envellecemento activo: claves para axudarnos a sentirnos mellor"

 Type: Webinar
 Line of Knowledge: 
 Location: Online

A positive aspect of ageing has been studied and demonstrated for years. We already know ways of influencing our ageing process in order to enjoy greater well-being. However, it is very common to find negative and stereotyped images of ageing that condition the image we have of this vital stage and of our own vital process.


Talks series: "Surveillance system upside down".

 Type: Others
 Line of Knowledge: 
 Location: Oñati

Within the framework of a series of meetings on care organised by Oñati Town Council, our colleagues from Mati Instituto, Nerea Almazán and Nerea Etxaniz will be giving a talk on 9 November entitled: "Growing old in the 21st century. Models and challenges", which focuses on the diversity of realities of the elderly population that clashes with the ageist view that homogenises them.

To do so, we will talk about myths, Social Centres for the Elderly, elderly women and rethink the care we want.

The activity will start at 18:00 on the third floor of Eltzia.


Plátika" Meeting: AGE Discrimination: Ageism, Ageism and Auto-ageism

 Type: Others
 Line of Knowledge: 
 Location: Palacio de Congresos Europa. Vitoria-Gasteiz

A new edition of the "Plátika" meetings organised periodically by the Bizan Network of the Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council.

This meeting, open to all citizens, will reflect on "Age discrimination: ageism, ageism and self-ageism" and we will work on questions such as: how do I feel about my age, is there a problem with my age, am I being judged because of my age?


Dimensions of inequality

 Type: Conference
 Line of Knowledge: 
 Location: Bilbao

Presentation of the monograph ZABALDU #1, a work in which different speakers address the concepts of equality of difference, diversity and non-discrimination and hate crimes from a sociological and legal perspective.

Among the participants, Sara Marsillas, researcher at the Matia Institute, spoke about the paradox of age discrimination and its contribution to social differences.


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