HomeParticipation in forumsConference on "Microedadismos: Subtle discrimination".

Conference on "Microedadismos: Subtle discrimination".

 Type: Conference
 Line of Knowledge: Active aging and friendliness
 Location: Madrid

This face-to-face conference will try to define basic concepts such as ageism and micro-ageism and to delve into the existence of certain attitudes that, by action or omission, consciously or unconsciously, have been incorporated into the society in which we live and that perpetuate ageism.

During the day there will be the opinion and the protagonism of both recognized experts in the field, as well as older people who will tell in first person their vision and experience.

An event organized by the IMSERSO, which will take place next Tuesday, May 28, starting at 9:00 am.

Scientific program
9:00h - 9:30h - Reception and handing out of documents 

9:30h - 10.00h - Inauguration.

  •  Mayte Sancho. General Director of the Institute for the Elderly and Social Services. 
  • Jorge Domínguez. Head of the Training and Communication Area of Imserso.

10:00h - 10:30h - Lecture: "Small discriminations, big consequences". Rubén Herranz. Doctor in Law. Imserso Studies Technician.

10:30h - 11:00h - Lecture: "Do you consider yourself an elderly person? Elena del Barrio. Doctor in Health Sciences. Matia Institute.

11:00h - 11:30h - Coffee break

11:30h - 12:15h - Lecture: "From macro-ageism to micro-ageism. Everything matters". Vania de la Fuente. Physician and Anthropologist. Independent consultant in healthy aging and ageism.

12: 15h - 14:00h - Round Table: Global change from the micro: raising awareness on ageism from the school to the company.

  • José Ángel Palacios. Head of communication of "Grandes amigos". Media and micro-ageism.
  • Loles Díaz Aledo. Journalist "Déjame a mí que tú no sabes".
  • Pedro Ruiz. Democratic Union of Pensioners.

14:00h - Closing 


Elena del Barrio
Elena del Barrio Director of Social Policies and Contexts - Researcher