HomeParticipation in forumsKeys to change: transforming the homelessness system of care

Keys to change: transforming the homelessness system of care

03/12/2024 to 04/12/2024
 Type: Conference
 Line of Knowledge: Social politics
 Location: Madrid

On December 3 and 4, the event “Keys for Change” will take place, a conference organized by Provivienda and HOGAR SÍ in which the results and recommendations of the social innovation projects Housing Rights (DAV) and H4Y FUTURO were presented.

From Matia Institute we attended to participate, through an intervention of Elisa Pozo, researcher at Matia Institute, in a table entitled “Transformation of infrastructures and services for deinstitutionalization”, which reflects on the necessary changes in collective housing centers to promote the autonomy of people and the personalization of support, from the modification of infrastructure and internal organization, as well as community participation. This approach has also been developed within the Como en Casa project, within the State Strategy of Deinstitutionalization for a good life in the community.

The experts at this table will bring us new proposals and tools for the transformation of centers, aligning them with the principles of personalization of support, free choice and control, and gender perspective.


Elisa Pozo Menéndez Researcher responsible for architectural design