Presentation of the Asturian Strategy for Active Ageing (ESTRENA) 2018-2021
The Príncipe Felipe Auditorium is the venue for the presentation of the new Active Ageing Strategy of the Principality of Asturias. A strategy that aims to define a new model that responds effectively to the "challenge" posed by an "ageing, active and participatory" society, and which has been developed through a participatory process in which a hundred experts and older people have worked. In short, it is a question of orienting social policies to promote measures that encourage active ageing and the social inclusion of the elderly in this Autonomous Community.
Mayte Sancho, advisor to Matia Fundazioa, will take part in one of the round tables entitled: "Ageing well. A friendly society. Development model".
Mayte Sancho
Expert in gerontological planning