HomeResearchProjectsSHARE - Sustainable housing for a regenerative exchange

SHARE - Sustainable housing for a regenerative exchange


 Principal investigator:
Elisa Pozo
Paula García, Álvaro García, Iraide Robles, Nerea Etxaniz and Maider Azurmendi

Like many other cities, the urban centre of Fuenlabrada faces a number of challenges, including the deterioration of the housing stock, the closure of local businesses and an ageing rate above the city average. In this sense, this urban environment conditions the quality of life of many of the elderly in three main aspects: the lack of accessibility of housing or the environment, energy poverty or loneliness.

The SHARE project is a comprehensive solution for urban regeneration and revitalisation to improve life in the central district of Fuenlabrada based on three keys:

  • Reuse, rehabilitation and activation of community resources for sustainable local development;
  • Creation of a supply of affordable, quality housing suitable for people of different ages;
  • Consolidation of a protective environment for the early prevention of dependency.

These actions promote intergenerational solidarity and the refurbishment of spaces, offering elderly people an alternative to their housing to promote their health and autonomy, based on the rehabilitation of an old disused school.

Moreover, young people will have access to the city centre, in flats provided by older landlords whose housing does not meet their current needs and who decide to move into the new flats.

SHARE will also offer a personalised accompaniment service to generate connections between young people and older people by consolidating a network of relevant local resources.

In short, a project that seeks to reactivate community life by creating new living environments accessible to two specific groups: the elderly and young people, and under principles of inclusion, transdisciplinarity, sustainability, beauty and circularity.


SHARE's main objective is to promote adaptability and prolong the life of the housing stock, while also sharing community resources in a broad sense, to contribute to sustainable land use and affordable housing. The project's intergenerational model of community intervention provides the opportunity to revitalise the city centre with young residents while older people will be provided with alternatives to their current housing, through the new homes, which will be designed in a co-creation process from the start of the project.

The three main objectives are:

  • To provide personalised accommodation and support for 20-40 elderly people, who own their home, through the establishment of a Programme for the Early Protection of Autonomy (PEPA).
  • Increase the availability of rental housing for young people in the city centre.
  • Encourage the participation of young and older people as active agents in the community.

Implementation phases:

  • 2024 - Implementation of project management and governance structures.
  • 2025 - Implementation of the governance and solidarity model.
  • 2026 - Design of the housing and community model for young people.
  • 2027 - Project justification, scalability and transfer.


European funds within the framework of the competitive call Urban Innovative Actions | European Urban Initiative.

Total budget: 6.15 million euros. European funding: 4.920.000 €; municipal contribution: 1.081.000 €.


SHARE aims to create affordable and high quality housing and to consolidate a support programme for older people and young people in the city centre.

A "Solidarity Housing System" will be created that will provide housing for young people in homes that no longer meet the needs of their owners, older people who wish and who identify an improvement in their living conditions by moving into the new accommodation. This will be done through the articulation of different programmes for the creation of a strong local care ecosystem and a community participation programme that supports intergenerational exchange between all the people involved.

A former school will be rehabilitated as a supported housing complex to provide around 20 rental dwellings.

The homes owned by the new supported housing residents will be made available for rent to increase the supply of affordable housing in the municipality, especially in the city centre.



2024 to 2027

Project status

In progress


Elena del Barrio
Elena del Barrio Director of Social Policies and Contexts - Researcher
Maider Azurmendi Community Networks Officer
Fotografía de Paula García
Paula García Researcher
Fotografía de Iraide Robles
Iraide Robles Social Worker - Case Manager
Elisa Pozo Menéndez Researcher responsible for architectural design

Line of Knowledge

Collaborating institutions
