Active and valuable ageing

SIA thematic reports
This report entitled "Active and Valuable Ageing" includes from the theoretical proposal that serves as a framework, the analysis of existing data in this field, to the relevant elements of the public policies developed with the aim of promoting it and experiences of interest that have been implemented in different territories. It is thus a display of results on the subject based on secondary data sources from surveys carried out at different territorial scales.
The first section of the document explores aspects related to the conceptualisation of the term active ageing, offering a list of principles that emanate from the incorporation of the AgeingWell paradigm of the World Health Organisation (WHO).
The second chapter, entitled "Data", is organised around six large blocks: Employment; Retirement; Art, leisure and consumption; Lifelong learning; Volunteering and citizen participation; Use of ICTs.
Then, a third chapter entitled "Policy strategies" includes the results of a review of territorial, state and international public policies developed in the last five years with the aim of promoting active and valuable ageing.
To conclude, the material offers a compilation of some practical experiences, projects and initiatives that put the concept into action.
The series of thematic reports carried out within the framework of the SIA (Advanced Intelligence System) project of the Adinberri Foundation, aim to carry out an in-depth analysis of specific topics within the areas of opportunity defined by this Foundation. These reports are conceived as tools for identifying trends in the field of ageing in Gipuzkoa.