HomePublicationsAre we improving care? Effects of interventions related to the Person-Centred Care Model in a residential group.

Are we improving care? Effects of interventions related to the Person-Centred Care Model in a residential group.

 Line of Knowledge: Planning and models of care

This article presents the results of an evaluation to identify the effects of interventions associated with the People-Centred Care Model in a sable of 232 professionals from Matia Fundazioa.

Interventions were implemented in the Etxean Ondo Nursing Homes and, to evaluate them, the Person-Centred Care Assessment Tool (P-CAT) and Staff Assessment Person Directed Care (PDC) questionnaires were administered.

The results indicate that participants report more practices associated with the model than other samples of professionals. There are differences in training, not in rotation or being a reference professional.

Additionally, the time it takes for changes to occur in place and in the format of the establishment affect the answers. The findings indicate that the views of professionals are related with very different factors that make up the aforementioned model. The changes made could be considered tools to help professionals understand care from the perspective of the people they support.


Mayte Sancho
Mayte Sancho Expert in gerontological planning
Fotografía de Pura Diaz-Veiga
Pura Diaz-Veiga Knowledge Dissemination Advisor

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