Good Treatment Pathway

Person-Centred Care Route Collection
The pathways are a set of considerations, actions and elements, endorsed by existing knowledge and validated by applied experience, on key contents of this approach to make it effective in centers and services.
They are intended to facilitate progress itineraries in a flexible way. Their purpose is to guide the centers, services and teams on the path towards person-centered care, respecting their own strategy and supporting the various trajectories to have the necessary globality and clear orientation that should characterize progress in this approach to care.
Why a well-treatment pathway?
Well-treatment is a core issue for person-centered care, something that becomes clear when it is understood that caring means accompanying lives worth living, care being much more than a set of procedural tasks.
This pathway bases its recommendations on the basic considerations for speaking of Good Treatment in long-term care:
- Good treatment starts from the recognition of the dignity of every person.
- Caring is accompanying lives. Care is an opportunity to facilitate a good life, a life with meaning.
- Good treatment implies comprehensive and always personalized care.
- Good treatment entails protecting the person by balancing the objectives of safety and well-being.
- Good treatment can only be achieved by taking care of the relationships between the people
- people involved in the care
It is necessary to specify what Good Treatment consists of and how good treatment is developed when we care for people in daily care, and, on the other hand, it is necessary to keep in mind that care is based on relational frameworks where professionals and families are the ones who generate the environments that facilitate respect for dignity and the promotion of autonomy.
"Good treatment is only possible in environments where people, all people, treat each other well."
Other Professionals
- Matia Professional Team