HomeResearchInnovative housingLugaritz - Homes for a Lifetime

Lugaritz - Homes for a Lifetime

 Principal investigator: Maider Azurmendi
 Team: Maider Azurmendi, Iraide Robles

Conceptual framework

Population demography is undergoing major transformations, in which the progressive proportional growth of the group of elderly people is evident. Thus, life expectancy is increasing and the heterogeneity of the population group is rising. As a result, there is an increase in situations of dependency and the need for different types of support.

For this reason, the "housing" phenomenon is born, focused on providing a cultural change regarding the set of housing modalities. These are adapted and personalized to each person, their lifestyle, habits, preferences and desires. In addition, the housing is located in environments integrated into the community, being of a standardized nature. As for the spaces, common spaces are emphasized as meeting and interaction points.

Thus, the existence and increase of alternatives in terms of housing models is booming in most of Europe.

In this context, Matia is committed to the creation of Lugaritz housing for life, with the intention of promoting an innovative project in the field of housing for the elderly. Considering that, its creation allows progress in the transformation towards a friendly city.

General features of the Lugaritz housing project

The Lugaritz project is an innovative project, which integrates lifelong housing, aimed at people in the aging process, who present some kind of support needs and share the preference for giving continuity to their life project at home. In addition, the homes are focused on the coexistence of couples or family cohabitation units, considering them to be an alternative resource to the residence.

It should be pointed out that the dwellings, being of two or three rooms, are called rental regime dwellings.

The main characteristics are the following:

The Design: detailed accessible and designed to promote personal well-being. Lugaritz has:

  •  Dwellings, which are spaces of privacy and family intimacy.
  •  Common areas, being fundamental as spaces for participation, sharing, generating social and neighborhood interaction.

Case management:

  • Reference person.
  • Personalized accompaniment and follow-up
  • Guidance and information
  • Coordination with various services and community agents.

Services, benefits and resources: They will be provided by the community, in a personalized way.

In addition, Lugaritz is a city project, which aims to promote friendliness in public spaces in its proximity.



2020 to 2023

Project status



Maider Azurmendi Community Networks Officer
Fotografía de Iraide Robles
Iraide Robles Social Worker - Case Manager

Collaborating institutions