Hasierahuman rights

human rights

XXXII Conference on Alzheimer's disease and other dementias

 Mota: Jardunaldia
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Pamplona (Navarra)

Removing Alzheimer's disease from the “catch-all” of neurodegenerative, chronic or elderly diseases to give it its own label and address it specifically by the health system, is the main demand of AFAN (Association of Relatives of People with Alzheimer's and other Dementias of Navarra) for the World Day of the disease, which is accompanied by the 'Specific' campaign and a new edition of the Alzheimer's Week of Navarra, which includes parades, theater and talks on prevention or sexuality.


Erlazionatutako blog-sarrerak

From a life imposed to a life of choice. The deinstitutionalization of support and care.

 Mota: Kurtsoa
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Santander (Cantabria)

The deinstitutionalization strategy for a good life in community is a participatory initiative led by the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030, which responds to a need to move from a model of care based on institutional care to a model of community and personalized care, where people can choose where to live, what supports they need and how they want to receive them, and do so integrated into their community.



XIV International Congress of the Spanish Society of Palliative Care (SECPAL)

 Mota: Kongresoa
 Ezagutza lerroa: 
 Lekua: Málaga

In the face of emerging and changing challenges in society, such as the aging of the population, the increase in chronic diseases and the globalization of health, third wave public health is born, seeking a more comprehensive and holistic approach, capable of recognizing the interconnection between the social, environmental, economic and biological factors that influence people's health, and which seeks to address the social determinants of health in a more proactive and collaborative manner.

Beste profesional batzuk

“Todos contra el abuso y maltrato a las personas mayores”. Towards dignity and excellence in the treatment of older people

 Mota: Jardunaldia
 Lekua: Valladolid

Organised by the Confederación Estatal de Mayores Activos (CONFEMAC), this conference is aimed at health professionals; social services professionals; nursing home professionals; day centres with day-care units; social care day centres; social services inspection services; forensic doctors; boards of directors of associations for the elderly; teachers of health training courses; private elderly people and any other people related to gerontology.

Free registration. Limited places.
