The OREKA project aims to develop an intelligent solution that identifies unstable situations that could result in falls, sending alerts to healthcare staff and caregivers to prevent falls in the intermediate care hospital setting.
Itziar Palau

Graduated from the School of Nursing of the Basque Country in 2002. In 2014 she obtained the title of Nurse Specialist in Geriatric Nursing.
Since 2002 she has been working in Matia Fundazioa as a nurse in different gerontological services and centers, being in 2022 when she occupies the position of Nurse Referent of the Psychogeriatric Unit of the Ricardo Bermingham Hospital where she continues to work today, adding more than 20 years of experience in direct assistance in geriatrics.
During her training and university degree she has done different internships and worked in different services such as general surgery, rehabilitation, internal medicine and medium-long stay.
In addition to continuing education, in December 2020 Master in Psychopharmacology and pharmacotherapeutic monitoring for Nursing. Currently training in a master's degree in Dementias. She has also participated as a congresswoman and speaker in different Zahartzaroa (Basque Association of Geriatrics and Gerontology) Congresses.