HomeParticipation in forums

Participation in forums


A meeting point for sharing knowledge and experiences. A section in which all opinions are welcome. We participate and contribute by sharing our knowledge in different discussion and opinion forums.

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Cartel anunciador: Jornada "Democratización de los Cuidados"
  Date: March 2022
Type: Conference
 Professionals: Maider Azurmendi

Emagin Elkartea's conference invites us to reflect on the way forward to guarantee the collective right to care from a feminist perspective.

Imagen anunciadora de la webinar
  Date: March 2022
Type: Webinar
 Professionals: Maider Azurmendi

This event, organised by the Col-legi de Treball Social de Catalunya, will focus on two of the challenges on which social work is working most intensely: the transition from an individualised model of home care to a more community-based model and the mistreatment of the elderly.

Imagen anunciadora de la jornada
  Date: March 2022
Type: Conference
 Professionals: Mayte Sancho

 Conference focused on giving visibility to the problem of loneliness, how it affects the elderly, how to deal with this reality and what actions are being implemented in the Balearic Islands to accompany people

Jornada Diputación de Jaén
  Date: March 2022
Type: Conference
 Professionals: Elena del Barrio
  Keywords: Health, social services

El Instituto de Estudios Giennenses le invita a la mesa redonda “Asistencia sanitaria y apoyo social a personas mayores en núcleos geográficos de baja población”.
Será moderada por D.ª María José Calero García, Coordinadora del Máster de Gerontología: Longevidad, Salud y Calidad, de la
Universidad de Jaén.

  Date: March 2022
Type: Conference
 Professionals: Nerea Etxaniz, Maider Azurmendi

Presentation by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa of the #ZaintzaHerriLab strategy, where various experiences are being developed at the local level to ensure long-term care in the home.


Cartel anunciador del encuentro: Cambio demográfico: ¿Estamos preparados para vivir 100 años?
  Date: February 2022
Type: Conference
 Professionals: Mayte Sancho

These sessions aim to debate the demographic, but also social and economic causes that have led us to this situation, contrasting the points of view - some more optimistic than others - of demographers and other social scientists, and analysing different key issues, such as the role of migration, the difficulties in having children and also how Spanish society, at the global forefront of demographic transformations, faces this situation and presents opportunities to rethink and organise our lives in a different way.

Cartel actividades del ayuntamiento de Elorrio para el Días Internacional de la Mujer
  Date: February 2022
Type: Others
  Keywords: women, Elderly, gender, old age
  Date: March 2022
Type: Conference
 Professionals: Elena del Barrio

Barcelona Women Acceleration Week (BWAW) celebrates its second edition with the aim of accelerating and energising gender equality to help achieve full participation and equal opportunities for women in the industrial sector locally and globally.


Imagen anunciadora de la jornada
  Date: January 2022
Type: Conference
 Professionals: Álvaro García Soler

Berrituz is organising a new conference to promote the exchange of experiences and encourage collective learning about local social services. The theme chosen for this third edition of Berrituz Topaketa is "Innovations and new models of home care".

Cartel anunciador: Jornada Sostre Civic
  Date: November 2021
Type: Conference
 Professionals: Maider Azurmendi
