BIZIGIRO - Virtual bike rides for seniors in residential environment.
The main objective of the project is to research, develop and study the application of virtual reality solutions aimed at generating well-being in the elderly. Specifically, we will seek to explore activities that combine the search for moments of emotional well-being with the training of physical abilities within immersive interactive environments, i.e. environments in which the physical actions of people will have a direct impact on the virtual world in which they will find themselves. Initially, we have identified the possibility of materializing the above by carrying out virtual bicycle rides along routes that are meaningful to the elderly.
Phase II
After a successful first phase of the Bizigiro project, and given the positive results achieved, the second phase will continue as originally planned. Without changing the main objective initially proposed, once the first phase of the project has been completed, two groups of potential users of the system have been identified, people with functional diversity and elderly people who are hospitalized, who could obtain great benefits, and who are therefore going to be included in this new phase of the project.
Specifically, we will seek to explore activities that combine the search for moments of emotional well-being with the training of physical abilities within immersive interactive environments, i.e. environments in which the physical actions of people will have a direct impact on the virtual world in which they will find themselves.
In short, the aim is to generate a solution to improve the well-being and functional capacity of the elderly and people with functional diversity in a motivating way, making use of new technologies. Initially, it has been identified to be able to materialize the above by making virtual bike rides through routes that are significant for these groups of users.
"Technological objectives"
- Technological objective 1: To develop the interconnection between the virtual reality glasses and other elements for the work of physical abilities (joint and muscle mobility, cardiovascular system, etc.).
- Technological objective 2 : Develop an administration backend through which to collect and visualize information about the experiences visited by people and the physical exercise associated with each of them.
- Technological objective 3: To develop virtual reality content related to physical activity that is fun and motivating for the elderly, people with functional diversity and people in hospitalization units, in order to encourage continuous use and activity.
- Technological objective 4: Validate the results through research, in order to quantify with quantitative and qualitative research techniques, the effects on the well-being of the elderly and people with functional diversity from the use of the new platform.
Project funded by the Department of Economic Development and Infrastructures of the Basque Government through the HAZITEK 2019 call for proposals.