From active aging to active citizenship: the role of friendliness

The concept of active aging appeared for the first time in 1999, reflecting the scientific tradition of the positive paradigm of aging. It unifies the notions of participation, health, independence and good aging, with participation being the central component. This paradigm was assumed as the great political response to demographic aging, trying to change the traditional concept of old age, giving older people new roles. The "Age-Friendly Cities and Communities" initiative launched by WHO in 2005 was designed to put this paradigm into practice at the local level. Its ultimate aim is to promote a movement of citizen participation led by the elderly as generators of well-being, going beyond the barriers of active aging towards a broader concept of citizenship. In addition, it needs to be adapted to the current era in which new generations are demanding a space where they can develop and contribute to processes with groups and communities with which they identify, regardless of their age. The longevity revolution poses challenges, which we can and must take advantage of to build a better, more egalitarian society, capable of recognizing the value of each person regardless of their age and social, cultural or racial condition.