Ageing in Gipuzkoa

First thematic report by Adinberri SIA with context, situation and comparative data on people aged 55 and over. The publication provides an overview of the reality of ageing people in Gipuzkoa and its comparison with the European context, based on an analysis of secondary data sources from surveys that address relevant areas in the field of ageing, such as: health and healthy ageing; long-term care; environment and community; active and valuable ageing; and silver economy.
The document has been prepared by Sara Marsillas and Elena del Barrio, from Matia Instituto, in collaboration with SiiS for Adinberri Fundazioa.
Main results
The summary of the data included in this report shows the current and future increase in the number of elderly people, as well as a high rate of growth. The health of the elderly in Gipuzkoa is valued positively and they also enjoy a good health-related quality of life. However, both aspects decrease at older ages, when there is also a greater chronic limitation of activity. In conjunction with this, support is provided to people in the environment who require it, so that at this stage demand is combined and concentrated with the provision of help around care.
People ageing in Gipuzkoa also report a notable feeling of community and a high level of participation in activities usually linked to active ageing, such as physical activity, volunteering, tourism or social bonding.
In short, this type of report summarises current results on issues of interest and is conceived as a tool for identifying trends in the field of ageing in Gipuzkoa.